Hi, My name is Crystal and I enjoy sewing and the occasional knit project. I’m an attorney turned stay-at-home mom who loves sharing everything I make with the world.
I live just outside of Baltimore, Maryland with my husband and three lovely children, Charles, Carmen and Christopher. My youngest son, Christopher is autistic and I take part in autism-related advocacy for him and other special needs children.
I began sewing in 2012 after purchasing a sewing machine on a whim at yard sale. Initially, I sewed simple crafty projects including zip pouches, tissue holders and simple costumes for my children. Eventually, I realized that I needed to improve my sewing skills by taking live sewing classes.
I began taking classes at the Sassy Sewer and fell in love with garment sewing. Going to class every week and learning the importance of construction and fit from my instructor, Blondell Howard was so rewarding. I went from sewing a simple elastic waist skirt to working on a jacket complete with welt pockets! I highly recommend taking a class with an experienced sewist when possible.
In addition to sewing, I also dabble in a little in knitting from time to time. I learned to knit via online classes in to have a portable craft to work on while sitting in the waiting area of my children’s after-school activities. I find knitting extremely rewarding and I like to make items to accessorize my sewn garments.
I am so happy you popped on to my page and I look forward to sharing my DIY life with you!
You can get detailed information about my sewing makes on my YouTube Channel: Crystalsewsandstuff
and instant pic gratification on Instagram .
Thanks for stopping by my blog!